Archive for September 2015


September 9, 2015

Enlightenment is when you realize you are God’s sock puppet–Shunzen Young


September 8, 2015

Everything we regard as real is made of things that cannot be regarded as real.–Quantum physicist Neils Bohr


September 7, 2015

Some people are born on third base and go through life thinking they hit a triple.–Barry Switzer


September 6, 2015

Belief systems are like boxes, they provide us with the structure we need to grow. But when we’ve grown to the limits of our particular box, we need to break out and find a bigger box.–me


September 5, 2015

Pascal’s Wager is a suggestion by Blaise Pascal that, even though the existence of God cannot be determined through reason, a person should live as if God exists, because living life accordingly has everything to gain, and nothing to lose. Sounds reasonable but not sure how this fits with “Whoever would save his life shall lose it…”(Matthew 16:25)


September 4, 2015

Life is the dancer and you are the dance.–Eckerd Tolle


September 3, 2015

If you enjoy wasting time, then it isn’t wasted–Matt Turrie


September 2, 2015

Sometimes I visualize Jesus, Mohammed and Buddha up there, looking down and making a bet, whose religeon has moved furthest fro what they were originally trying to talk about.–Yoga9


September 1, 2015

The idea that everyone’s life has a purpose and they have to find it can be frustrating. What if you choose the wrong purpose? Instead, I think it is up to us to give ourselves purpose.–lazyyogi