Archive for December 2020

Just Saying 2020-12-31,

December 31, 2020

Life is a riddle. Unfortunately, the answer’s not written on the back of anything.

Just Saying 2020-12-30,

December 30, 2020

Think to yourself that every day is your last; the hour to which you do not look forward will come as a welcome surprise.–Horace

Just Saying 2020-12-29,

December 29, 2020

I don’t always know what I’m talking about but I know I’m right.–Muhammad Ali

Just Saying 2020-12-28,

December 28, 2020

Any sentence beginning with the words “I am…” is a myth. Myths are mostly about thinking rather than being. The great Zen koan “Who am I?” is about being not thinking. Therefore all mythical answers must be rejected by the Master. So, what does a non-mythical answer look like? –me.

Just Saying 2020-12-27,

December 27, 2020

Whoever fights monsters must see to it that in the process he does not become a monster.–Nietzsche

Just Saying 2020-12-26,

December 26, 2020

In order to rally people, governments need enemies. They want us to be afraid, to hate, so we will rally behind them. And if they do not have a real enemy, they will invent one in order to mobilize us.–Thich Nhat Hanh. The same is true for political parties.

Just Saying 2020-12-25,

December 25, 2020

Peter O’Toole once said, “When did I realize I was God? Well, I was praying and I suddenly realized I was talking to myself.” Blasphemy? Perhaps. But there’s just enough truth in it to make it pop.–me

Just Saying 2020-12-24,

December 24, 2020

To punish me for my contempt for authority, fate made me an authority myself.–Albert Einstein

Just Saying 2020-12-23,

December 23, 2020

Practice makes perfect, which is why we are all so good at self-deception.–me

Just Saying 2020-12-22,

December 22, 2020

The life of a man is is a circle from childhood to childhood and so it is in everything where power moves.–Black Elk